
Is There A Way To Upload A Pst File To Office 365

How to import PST files into Office 365? Perhaps yous beginning with a brand new Office 365 tenant, and you want to switch over to Substitution Online. If it's a small organization, it'south good to consign the PST files and change the DNS records. Afterward that, upload PST to Function 365. In this article, y'all will learn how to import PST files into Part 365.

Table of contents

  • How to import Office 365 PST files
    • 1. Assign Mailbox Import Export role
    • ii. Create PST import job
    • 3. Upload PST files to Role 365
    • 4. View PST files uploaded to Part 365
    • 5. Create PST import mapping file
    • six. Select PST import mapping file
    • 7. Outset PST import to Office 365
    • 8. Verify PST import job completion status
  • Determination

How to import Function 365 PST files

Follow the steps below on how to import Office 365 PST files footstep by step:

1. Assign Mailbox Import Export part

You have to exist assigned the Mailbox Import Export role in Commutation Online to create import jobs in the Microsoft 365 compliance center and import PST files to user mailboxes. Past default, this role isn't assigned to any function group in Substitution Online.

Assign Mailbox Import Export part in Exchange Online to create import jobs in the Microsoft 365 compliance center and import PST files to user mailboxes:

  • Sign in to Commutation Admin Center
  • Expand Roles and click on Admin roles
  • Select Organization Management
Import PST to Office 365 Exchange admin center admin roles
  • Click on the tab Permissions
  • Select Mailbox Import Export function
  • Click Save

Notation: It tin take up to 24 hours earlier the change applies. Merely, most of the time it will work within 1 hour.

Import PST to Office 365 Mailbox Import Export permissions

2. Create PST import task

To create a PST import job in Microsoft 365 compliance center, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to Microsoft 365 compliance
  • Click on Data governance
  • Choose Import
  • Click on New Import Task
Import PST to Office 365 New import job

If you lot don't see a New import job, it means that you lot have to expect before the change in the previous steps applies.

Import PST to Office 365 it might take up to 24 hours before you can start creating jobs

Requite the import job a proper noun. Click Next.

Import PST to Office 365 name your job

Select Upload your data. Click Next.

Import PST to Office 365 upload your data

Click on Show network upload SAS URL.

Import PST to Office 365 show network upload SAS URL

Click on Copy to clipboard to copy the SAS URL. You lot volition need the SAS URL in the next footstep.

Copy SAS URL to clipboard

In the next step, yous volition upload the PST files to Office 365 with AzCopy command-line tool.

Note: Don't cancel the import job because you demand to render to this window and finish the import job. If y'all abolish the import job, you have to get through the steps again.

3. Upload PST files to Office 365

Download AzCopy (Microsoft) or (direct), and place it on the C:\Temp folder. AzCopy V10 is just an executable file, so in that location'due south nothing to install.

Save AzCopy.exe in temp folder

Check the location of the PST files.

In our example, the PST file is on the local drive path C:\Temp\PSTs.

Location PST files

You lot can utilise the source directory on the share (\\yourserver\PSTs) or local drive (C:\PSTs).

  • Beginning Control Prompt as administrator
  • Change the directory to C:\Temp\.
  • Run the command to copy the PST file to Azure
          C:\>cd C:\Temp\ C:\Temp>azcopy.exe copy "C:\Temp\PSTs" "" --recursive        

The output will show similar this.

          INFO: Scanning... INFO: Any empty folders will not exist candy, because source and/or destination doesn't have full folder support  Task 37cf8d63-d431-e143-78c2-e3a9b85d0d7e has started Log file is located at: C:\Users\administrator.EXOIP\.azcopy\37cf8d63-d431-e143-78c2-e3a9b85d0d7e.log  INFO: Could not read destination length. If the destination is write-only, utilize --check-length=imitation on the command line. 99.5 %, 0 Done, 0 Failed, 1 Awaiting, 0 Skipped, ane Total, two-sec Throughput (Mb/s): 26.7263   Job 37cf8d63-d431-e143-78c2-e3a9b85d0d7e summary Elapsed Time (Minutes): 20.6073 Number of File Transfers: 1 Number of Folder Property Transfers: 0 Total Number of Transfers: 1 Number of Transfers Completed: 1 Number of Transfers Failed: 0 Number of Transfers Skipped: 0 TotalBytesTransferred: 4673750016 Final Job Condition: Completed        

Note: You can't use the Azure Storage Explorer to upload or modify PST files. The only supported method for importing PST files is to utilise AzCopy. Also, you can't delete PST files that y'all've uploaded to the Azure hulk. If you lot attempt to delete a PST file, you'll receive an error nigh not having the required permissions.

iv. View PST files uploaded to Part 365

To install the Azure Storage Explorer and connect to your Azure Storage area, follow these steps:

Download and install the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer tool.

Download Azure Storage Explorer
  • Commencement Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
  • Correct-click Storage Accounts
  • Click on Connect to Azure Storage
Connect to Azure Storage

Click on Blob container.

Connect to Blob container

Select Shared access signature URL (SAS). Click Next

Connect with Shared access signature URL (SAS)
  • Insert Brandish proper name
  • Paste the Blob container SAS URL that you obtained from the previous step
  • Click Next
Enter connection info

Click Connect.

Connect to your resource

You volition see the PSTs folder and the PST file.

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer PST file

Note: All PST files are automatically deleted from your Azure storage area. If there are no import jobs in progress, then all PST files in the ingestiondata container are deleted 30 days after the most recent import job was created.

Now that you verified that the PST files are in the Azure storage, go on to the next step.

5. Create PST import mapping file

Download a copy of the PST import mapping file (direct) or (Microsoft).

Open up the file with your favorite CSV editor and edit the values. In our example, information technology's Microsoft Excel.

Import PST to Office 365 PSTImportMappingFile.csv in Microsoft Excel

You lot can open the CSV file with Notepad and edit the values.

Import PST to Office 365 PSTImportMappingFile.csv in Notepad

Pay shut attending to the values and what you lot need to set:

  • Workload: Specifies the service that data will be imported to. To import PST files to user mailboxes, use Exchange.
  • FilePath: Specifies the folder location in the Azure Storage location that you lot uploaded the PST files to.
  • Name: Specifies the name of the PST file that will be imported to the user mailbox. The value for this parameter is case-sensitive.
  • Mailbox: Specifies the electronic mail accost of the mailbox that the PST file will be imported to.
  • IsArchive: Specifies whether to import the PST file to the user's annal mailbox. Prepare the value TRUE or FALSE. If you choose True, ensure that the user'southward annal mailbox is enabled.
  • TargetRootFolder: Specifies the mailbox folder that the PST file is imported to. If you leave this parameter bare, the PST file will be imported to a new binder named Imported at the root level of the mailbox (the aforementioned level equally the Inbox folder and the other default mailbox folders). If you specify /, the folders and items in the PST file are imported to the tiptop of the folder structure in the target mailbox or archive. If yous specify /foldername, items and folders in the PST file are imported to a folder named foldername.

The other fields in the CSV file are optional, and you can go out them empty.

half dozen. Select PST import mapping file

Get dorsum to the PST import job, check both the boxes, and click Side by side.

Import PST to Office 365 done uploading files and access to mapping file
  • Click Select mapping file
  • Browse to the PSTImportmappingFile.csv file
  • Click on Validate
Import PST to Office 365 validate mapping file

Information technology shows a greenish text, which ways that it's valid. Click Next.

Review the PST import chore. Click Submit.

Import PST to Office 365 import job review

Upload to the cloud succeeded. Click Done.

Upload to the cloud succeeded

You are not finished because at that place is one concluding step. That's to kickoff the PST import to Office 365.

vii. Start PST import to Office 365

Before you lot can start to import the PST file to Office 365, you lot have to wait for the analysis progress to complete. After that, information technology will show the Import completed progress and ready to:

  • Select the radio push in front of the Import Job
  • Click on Import to Office 365 button
Import PST to Office 365

Select No, I desire to import everything. Click Next.

Import everything in PST to Office 365

Click on Submit.

Import PST to Office 365 review

Upload to the cloud succeeded. Click Done.

Upload to the cloud succeeded

Yous have to look earlier Microsoft accepts the request and starts the progress. Information technology'south non possible to force the PST import to Function 365.

8. Verify PST import job completion status

To verify the PST import job status, click on the Import Chore in the listing view. So, verify that the PST import job shows the condition completed.

Import PST to Office 365 completed

You successfully imported a PST file to Office 365.

Read more: Export Exchange mailbox to PST with PowerShell »


You learned how to import PST files to Office 365. At that place are a couple of steps involved in uploading PSTs to Function 365. But, it's the best way to have the PST files imported in Office 365 with AzCopy and Microsoft 365 compliance. It's better than importing the PSTs in each Outlook client.

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